Donaueschingen Sighthound Festival 2018

In Donaueschingen at the Sighthound Festival 2018
our Karishma, Olimpo & Olimpia obtain Best in Show Group 2.

Karishma della Bassa Pavese is Best of Breed, & Best in Show under the famous Judge Mr. Mr. Espen Engh (NO) (Jet Greyhound)

In both days of the Festival Olimpo della Bassa Pavese , at only 19 monthes,  1 EXC, CAC, BOS
with two specialist judges:
Mr. F. Maison (FR) – (du Grand Chien de Culan)
Mr. Espen Engh (NO) (Jet Greyhound)

Springtime Italian Club Show 2018

Last Week End in Padenghe, at Italian Sighthounds Club Show.
Fantastic results for the della Bassa Pavese team.

Day 1

Karishma della Bassa Pavese, 1st in Champion Class, became Club Champion.
She was Best of Breed and BIS-2 in the first day of the Meeting, under the Judge Mrs. Hedeberg Karin.
In the same day: Olimpo della Bassa Pavese was BOS and CAC
Queengarra della Bassa Pavese was Best Opposite Sex Juniores
Pendragon della Bassa Pavese was Ris-BIS Juniores
Raindogs Ella Bassa Pavese has the CAC

at day 2

Raindogs Ella Bassa Pavese was Best of Breed & CAC under  Judge: Mr. Scheerens Bart
Olimpo della Bassa Pavese was BOS and CAC
Pendragon della Bassa Pavese
was Best in Show Juniores